Minggu, 18 Maret 2012

mathematics thinking

I. Examples of Mathematical Attitude (1) Attempting to Grasp One’s Own Problems or Objectives or Substance Clearly, by `Oneself . Page 201, chapter 5 Is the type of the series up or down? (2)Attempting to Express Matters Clearly and Succinctly Using the logic on pattern and characteristics, practicing mathematic manipulation in making generalization, organizing evidences, or explaining mathematic ideas and statements. (3)Attempting to Seek Better Things To improve intelligence, knowledge, personality, and skill to be independent and able to continue to the higher level education. II. Examples of Mathematical Methods 1. Inductive Thinking, Page 7, Chapter 1 The rectangle ABCD and the rectangle EFGH Let ABCD and EFGH are rectangengles. The corresponding angles are

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